With Christmas day behind you, it's time to think of, that's right, leftovers. Not the leftovers you might be conjuring up, but rather spiritual leftovers. Between the family, food, and fun of the holidays, it can feel as though the day flies by. There are special moments, memories, and feelings associated with the holidays that you might long to keep with you for more than a day. That's where leftovers come in.
On holidays and other special occasions, you often feel your spiritual best. You are moved to give more generously, feel more compassionately, act more kindly, or forgive more easily. Whatever it is about special days in the year, you get in touch with your inner being and take stock of how you can improve yourself, if only for one day. But what if you could bottle up these precious moments and compassionate feelings and take it with you as you plan your wedding or on your life's journey? You might begin to feel as though every day were a special one. You would see your life improve, as well as the relationships with those around you. A simple shift in attitude and mood can do that.
But how, you ask? Leftovers. On the days you feel a spiritual and emotional high and where your life is open to giving, take a moment to soak it up. Breathe it all in and then write it down. Pen the magic of the day; how you felt, the emotions swirling about and then commit to living another day feeling as blessed as you did just then. Put it somewhere close, but safe, so you can refer back to it, keeping those feelings fresh in your mind, body, and soul. It may even be helpful to have a token reminder, like a bracelet or a pin, on you at all times, so the feelings never leave. The holidays come and go, but the spirit of the day doesn't have to, if only you choose to keep it going.