As 2012 approaches most of us are likely to create New Year's resolutions. We do every year. But how often are we successful with our resolutions? Most of us come out of the starting gate with lots of enthusiasm and commitment towards our said resolutions; unfortunately, as time goes by our enthusiasm and commitment begins to wane and our goals fall by the wayside.
The key to successful New Year's resolutions lies in their creation. I will use weight loss as an example of a resolution in the section, as it is a common one; however, any resolution can be substituted here. Firstly, make your goal achievable. There is no sense in creating a resolution that's unrealistic. If you never exercised a day in your life before and you resolve to go to the gym everyday in the New Year, you're not likely to succeed in the long run. Better to create a smaller goal that fits in with your abilities, personality, schedule, etc. Secondly, make your goal measurable. Don't just tell yourself, "I want to lose weight." Make your goal measurable by putting in an actual number. "I want to lose ten pounds." Thirdly, give yourself a timeline. "I want to lose ten pounds by July 4, 2012". Again, remember to make your timetable realistic too. Fourth, fill in the details of how you plan on accomplishing your goals. Now that you have a sensible and realistic goal, ask yourself how will you get there. "I plan to lose ten pounds by July 4, 2012 by exercising and eating healthier," is not going to cut it. You have to come up with a step by step plan to get there. "I plan to lose ten pounds by July 4, 2012 by: I will go to XYZ Gym on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays between 7:00-8:00am beginning the first week in January; I will enroll/follow the XYZ diet by January 15, 2012; I will eliminate all empty calorie foods on weekdays, etc. These are merely ideas, but you get the idea. Do your research for what works best for you and then detail it for your resolution.
Finally, write it down! Putting your goals in writing makes it tangible. Place your written resolution somewhere you can see it daily. This will keep your desired goal in the forefront of your thoughts and hopefully, more motivated to making it happen. Brides, take note, that following these steps to creating successful resolutions will help you with your wedding planning goals too. Realistic, measurable, time specific, and detailed goals helps you ensure your wedding planning is successful and on schedule.
A healthy, happy, prosperous, and peaceful New Year to you all!
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