
Tuesday, January 13, 2015

7 Tips for Beauty Bridal Sleep

Sleep. It's probably one of the last things on your mind as you're busy planning for your wedding. But it's important. A good night's sleep helps you function and have more energy to get everything on your to-do list done. If you're having trouble getting a good night of zzzz's try these tips from the National Sleep Foundation:
1) Create a Sleep Schedule- Give yourself a bedtime and stick to it. If 10:00pm seems like the right time for you to hit the hay, make sure you go to bed at that time every night. It helps train your body to prepare for sleep at that time, which will make it easier for you to fall asleep.
2) Exercise- Getting a good workout in during the day is important to help you burn off unhealthy stress. It also contributes to a better sleep once night time rolls around. Just make sure your exercise routine is 5-6 hours before your bedtime or you might be too energized to sleep.
3) Avoid Caffeine, Alcohol, and Nicotine- If you love your coffee, drink alcohol daily, or smoke cigarettes, it could be robbing you of necessary deep and REM sleep. People who consume these things tend to sleep lighter and wake earlier because of withdrawal. If you want better sleep, it might be time to kick a the habit.
4) Relax- find ways to quiet your mind before bed. Turn off all distractions and take a warm bath, meditate, or listen to soothing music. Whatever you choose, relaxation definitely helps put you in a sleepy state of mind.
5) Sleep until Sunlight- Waking up with the sun or other bright light helps your body adjust to the daylight and helps your internal biological clock reset itself. This makes is easier to get up and start your day.    
6) Don't Lie in Bed Awake- If you find yourself awake in bed and unable to fall asleep, get up and do something. Anxiety can contribute to insomnia, so it might be better to find something to do until you start feeling sleepy.  
7) Check Your Room Temperature- If your bedroom is too hot or too cold it may be keeping you up at night. Make sure your bedroom is the right temperature for you so you can get a healthy night's sleep.

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