
Friday, February 13, 2015

Love Letters

For the longest time, I've been wanting to write letters to my little girls. Even though they are too young to read, I wanted to pen my love and memories to them. Life can be short or long and take many unexpected turns along the way. What better gift to give to someone you love, then a written testament to it? This week I bought them each a journal and started writing.
With Valentine's Day upon you, now is a good time to think of all the people you love. Have you ever written them a letter to express your love? It's one thing to use the spoken word, and quite another to use the written. Writing something down always makes it feel more real to me. Plus, it's tangible. I may not be around 60 years from now, to hug my girls, but I hope that they will always be able to pull out their journal, read from it, and feel my spirit hug them. 
What better time to write out your feelings then now, as you journey into the next chapter of your life? It doesn't have to be a journal or even a long letter. But a "just because I love you" letter. You might have written your feelings in a thank you note, a birthday card, or the like, but it's not the same. Receiving an unexpected, out of the blue love letter will brighten anyone's day. So get out a pen and decide who you can write to today. Your fiancĂ©? Mom? Dad? Sister? Brother? Grandma? Best friend? You get the idea. Try it once and see not only the response, but how it makes you feel. It will definitely strengthen your level of gratitude. 
This is also a great time to make sure you have your wedding vows written out, especially if you're writing your own. Don't just jot it on a piece of paper. Make a big deal about it- this is the person you're going to marry. These are the words you will live by and cherish. Frame it and put it somewhere visible after your wedding, so you can see it everyday. And if you receive any love letters from others, do the same. If you don't want to showcase your letters, buy a special binder to keep them it. Planning a wedding takes a lot of time and much of it feels like it whizzes by. Taking a break to write a love letter slows things down and helps remind you of all the important "who's" in your life.

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