
Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Your Bridal Self-Care Quiz

Sure, you're busy making a living, planning a wedding and getting stuff done. But are you taking care of yourself? Of course, you answer. Or maybe, you think. Um, not quite sure, you admit. To help you learn how well you are actually taking care of yourself, we've got a short quiz for you. Do you agree or disagree with the following statements. Be honest and don't judge:
1) I am happy with my level of energy and physical fitness.
2) I get enough sleep and feel well rested when I wake up.
3) I eat healthy foods and try not to skip meals.
4) My environment is clean and organized.
5) I make time to meditate or relax in some other way that is calming for me.
6) I am aware when I begin to feel stressed and take a break from whatever is triggering me.
7) I find the time to participate in healthy activities I enjoy and that are fun for me.
8) I surround myself with people who love and support me.
9) I know how to express my feelings and take care of my emotional health.
10) I am able to say "no" to myself and others if I feel overwhelmed, uninterested, or haven't the time.
Now add up your agrees and disagrees. How did you do? If you agreed with 8-10 of the statements:  You're doing a good job at putting yourself first. 5-7: You're trying and on the right track, but may need to ramp it up a bit more. Less than 5: You may be experiencing more stress or anxiety than normal. Go through each statement and see how you can improve in that area. Remember, this exercise is not about judgment. It simply helps you see where you are at and how you can start putting yourself first and feeling better. Challenge yourself to make a change in the right direction today!

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