
Tuesday, March 18, 2014

5 Little Ways to Cut Daily Spending & Save More for Your Wedding!

Let's face it. Every bride wants to know where she can cut costs while planning her wedding. Financial stress is one of the greatest challenges brides and grooms face today. So what can you do about it? Start by looking at where you might spend less on a general basis so you can get into a good financial routine. Here are five things you can do to cut costs regularly. Keep in mind that though these might seem like little things, they do add up; and the amount you save can be put towards one of your smaller budget wedding costs, like guest gift bags, place cards, or tips!
1) Kick a Habit: What little things do you spend on weekly or even daily? Do you have to have your Starbucks to get you going every morning? Or maybe you take bottled water with you to work every day? Do you smoke cigarettes or buy lottery tickets? Find yourself buying all the latest cool apps? Ask yourself, what are you spending on that you might not necessarily need? As an alternative, brew your own coffee, carry a Thermos of water, and definitely kick any unhealthy habits. The cost of all of these things add up. It may not seem like a lot each day, but tally it up per month and see what you've been spending. It could be over $100! If you have another ten months before your wedding, that's $1000.00 extra for you to put toward the big day!
2) Pack a Lunch: In addition to eating healthier and smarter, packing a lunch can help you save money you might be spending buying lunch out. And even if you don't necessarily go out to eat, maybe you pick up a quick snack or protein bar at the local convenience store. Those prices are going to be higher than the ones at a general supermarket or wholesale warehouse. It might take a little extra time to plan ahead and pack something to eat, but the difference of even a few dollars a day can add up quickly.
3) Use Cash: Credit cards have a funny way of making people think they have more money than they actually do. That means people who use credit often spend much more than if they had used cash. When you have money in your hands, you can see what you're spending. It makes everything more of a reality. So go ahead and pocket your credit cards and only use cash for the next week. Note if your spending habits change.
4) Think Before You Buy: This may sound obvious, but sometimes we are so excited about something and are convinced we need it that we jump in head first and purchase an item before we've had time to seriously consider it. This is especially true for pricier things. Give yourself a "figure to consider." Let's say fifty dollars. From now on, any item that you want to purchase that's fifty dollars or above, you go home and sleep on it for a couple days. Ask yourself if you really need it, can it wait for the future, can you find it somewhere else for a better price, is it something you can borrow instead of buy, or can you buy it used? Answering these questions will help you make better decisions when it comes to purchasing more expensive items and can save you in the long run.
5) Do it Yourself: Are there services you pay for that you can do yourself? Think car washing, shirt pressing, and house cleaning? Sure it's convenient and time saving to have someone else do stuff for you, but if you skipped it once a month and did it yourself, you can pocket some serious change. Car washes can cost fifteen bucks and up depending on the package. Dry cleaning can also add up. And skipping a maid service even once can save you fifty dollars or more. Remember these aren't things you have to give up completely, but by decreasing the number of times you pay for a service, you can increase the amount you put towards your wedding.
There you have it. Try any one of these suggestions and put the money you save into a wedding jar fund.  Want to see your money grow quicker? Practice all five ways of spending less, so you can keep more for your wedding day!

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