
Monday, February 14, 2011

Getting the Support You Need

Being a bride is a wonderfully exciting experience.  You're the belle of the ball and all eyes will be turned towards you.  With this newfound attention, you'll begin to notice that lots of people will have some piece of advice for you.  Advice can be good at times; it can also be unwelcome, depending on who it's coming from and how it's given.

As the bride, you will be faced with many decisions about your wedding.  And though it can be overwhelming, it's important to remind yourself that this is your wedding.  You've had dreams about this day for a long time and now is the time to make those dreams a reality.  In doing so, you want to make sure that you have strong support network in your corner.  These are people who believe in your dreams and want to help you realize them.  They may be family, friends, colleagues, vendors, and everyone who is in your corner. You will recognize these individuals because they are supportive, comforting, and helpful.  They may offer assistance or suggestions, but they always put your wedding needs and wants first.

Unfortunately, there are others who seem like they want to help, but may have a different agenda than you.  They may advise you on your gown or your centerpieces, but if you have a different opinion, they are not as supportive as you hoped they might be.  They are the ones who make you second guess your decisions, not because you are weighing all your options, but because somehow all of the sudden you start to feel guilty or pressured into something you don't truly want.  It's best to limit these individuals from playing a big role in your wedding planning.  This is supposed to be the happiest time in your life and that means having happy, supportive people around you.  Having the opposite around you will dampen your spirits and make the planning process a lot more trying.